- Ennis Road - 1 space
- Burton Street Underpass - 35 spaces
- Ennis Road (reconfiguration) - 21 spaces
- Ennis Road - Passenger drop off/pick up activities can continue to occur in a more pedestrian dominated environment. Improved definition of pedestrian areas and links will minimise danger.
- Bligh Street - Shared zone level raised to be flush with footpath to improve pedestrian movements. Vehicle access (including service vehicles) is maintained for the west bound movements however in a more controlled and pedestrian friendly manner.
Why are we doing a pilot plan? Why can’t we go straight into the final plan? It would be less disruptive for residents and save money (albeit it is grant)
Pilot projects are being implemented to test and build the case for more permanent changes in the future.
The NSW Government through the Streets as Shared Spaces program is funding these projects aiming to deliver temporary activation for short-term improvements to local streets, paths or public spaces. A condition of the grant is that activations are to be semi-permanent, easily removed and not fixed.
Why did you waste ratepayer’s money putting in a raised pedestrian crossing at Burton Street if the plan was always to close it off?
Upgraded pedestrian crossing will not be demolished if the permanent closure goes ahead, design levels for the new pedestrian area will tie -in the levels of this pedestrian crossing.
Burton Street pedestrian crossing upgrade was funded by TfNSW as part of the 40km/h HPAA implementation, this device was required to reduce the speed limit in the area.
Are you going to realign the lines at the Broughton/Burton pedestrian lights crossing so that the marking allow pedestrians to safely walk from the station side diagonally and vice versa?
Installation of signalised pedestrian crossing on Broughton Street to connect Burton Street and Burton Street underpass is part of this proposal. This will create a safe crossing for pedestrians on all approaches.
How much wider will be the Ennis Road footpath in the Milson Station arrival plan?
Between 1.5 to 2 metres, final width subject to detailed design.
How many parking spaces will be lost throughout the area, including loading zones? How will the pub, shops and Woollies will be able to get deliveries without the loading zones?
Total parking loss by areas is:
Total parking gain:
Net loss = 15 spaces
No loading zones will be removed, as part of this plan.
Will the early-morning delivery trucks continue to the Woolworths?
Delivery to local business will remain unchanged.
Have traffic studies been undertaken to show the impacts on the traffic movements around the village, especially around the schools for pick up/drop off with pedestrianising and closing off Bligh and Burton Streets at Broughton St?
Vehicle and pedestrian surveys were undertaken within the Kirribilli precinct to understand traffic conditions in the area during both morning and afternoon peak periods. Intersection movement counts were conducted in mid to late February of 2020 on both a Thursday and Friday.
Pedestrian counts were undertaken between 7am – 10am and 2pm – 6pm at the surveyed intersections along Broughton Street, specifically
Conclusions of traffic study:
The lack of defined pedestrian space and access routes at the Broughton Road/Burton Street/Ennis Road intersection, generates ad-hoc crossings of Broughton Street. The lack of a signalised pedestrian crossing of the northern Broughton Road approach to the Ennis Street intersection results unprioritised pedestrian movements. This includes school children traversing between Burton Street and the station access.
The Broughton Street/Burton Street/Ennis Road intersection is a key pedestrian arrival point to the Kirribilli Village Centre, namely the pedestrian access to/from Milsons Point Station. However, there is generally a lack of supporting pedestrian infrastructure for this key route.
Burton Street is appropriate for closure between Broughton Street and Humphrey Place, with the service loop road maintained along Crescent Place – Humphrey Place and Bligh Street.
Blight Street will be a shared zone to improve pedestrian movements. Vehicle access (including service vehicles) is maintained for the west bound movements however in a more controlled and pedestrian friendly manner.
Will the shared areas on Ennis Road and Bligh Street create traffic jams at peak times?
Where are you expecting the cars that use the section of Burton St between the shops you are closing to go? This will push school and other traffic onto other roads.
These vehicles will redirected to the service loop road maintained along Crescent Place – Humphrey Place and Bligh Street.
Are bicycles still going to be riding through the Burton Street tunnel once it is pedestrianised?
Detailed design will include cycleways.
How long are the temporary road closures/planter boxes going to be in place for?
Trial implementation for the pedestrianisation of Burton Street (between Broughton Street and Humphrey Place) and Burton Street underpass (between Alfred Street South and Broughton Street), and the shared zone at Bligh street will be for a minimum of 6 months.
If you plant jacarandas, are you willing to continuously clean up the dropped flowers? very dangerous especially when wet.
Final species will be selected at detailed design stage in collaboration with Council’s arborists. Suitable species for high pedestrian traffic areas will be the preferred option.
Whilst some greening would be nice in that section of Bligh Street, how wide will the road section be and will the surface be different surface to the pedestrian portion? Will the plantings be low so they don’t impede driver’s vision of pedestrians?
Road section will be designed to meet relevant standards (final width subject to detailed design). Appropriate sight distance for drivers will be kept for everyone’s safety.
Reduced speed limit - 10km/h will improve pedestrian movements.
Where can we see samples of the proposed finishes for footpaths etc?
The finishes palette to be installed in the Kirribilli Village area has been successfully installed in the Military Road corridor (Neutral Bay and Cremorne).
Council’s adopted Public Domain Manual and Design Codes can be found here