Kirribilli to Cremorne Walking, Cycling and Streetscape Upgrades

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Consultation has concluded


At its meeting on 28 June 2021, Council considered the post-exhibition report (available in the Document Library) and resolved:

1. THAT Council urgently write to TfNSW thanking them for their commitment for funding to the North Sydney Cycling Strategy and asking them to provide the funds so that Council can securely hold those funds in a restricted account until such time that the preferred option has been determined following completion of the community consultation.

2. THAT Council halt and review the Kirribilli to Cremorne Walking, Cycling and Streetscape Upgrades until such time as rigorous and comprehensive community consultation and engagement has taken place.

3. THAT Council re-exhibit the Kirribilli to Cremorne Walking, Cycling and Streetscape Upgrades project:

  1. in a form consistent with the requirements of Council’s Community Participation Plan;
  2. that the notification areas be extended to include affected properties on streets surrounding the proposed route, schools and precinct committees within the proposed route catchment; and
  3. that accurate documents and plans informed by traffic engineering advice together with options for alternative routes are exhibited.

4. THAT following re-exhibition, the matter be reported to Council for further consideration.

Feedback closed 14 June 2021


In May/June 2021, Council is sought community feedback on proposed walking, cycling and streetscape improvements along Broughton Street, Clark Road, Kurraba Road, Wycombe Road and Harriette Street. The project is part of Council’s response to community demand for improved walking and cycling connections.

The key aim of the project is to improve the walking network, cycling network, and public domain, and ensure that each complements and enhances the function of the other. A parallel aim is that walking and cycling improvements are delivered with minimal or positive impact to other transport modes and parking.

The net impact on parking spaces across the project area is two (2) less spaces, although this could potentially improve to a net gain in spaces subject to the final layout installed on Wycombe Road. Thirty-one (31) spaces on Clark Road would be gained in the am peak as the existing clearway would not be required under the proposed plan.

The project forms part of Route 3 from the North Sydney Integrated Cycling Strategy and is a key connection for local and regional cycling trips that is already one of North Sydney’s busiest despite challenging conditions. This project proposes new infrastructure to separate riders from motor vehicles where the speed difference between the two is significant (particularly up hills), to make travel easier for both riders and motorists, improve safety, and enable a wider range of people to choose cycling as a transport option. In areas where cycle speeds more closely match vehicle speeds, riders will share the road with motor vehicles.

A concept plan and fact sheet outlining key features of each section of the project is available in the Document Library. These sections would form the basis of separate construction stages should the project proceed (these are not listed in chronological order). Hard copies can be viewed at Council's Customer Service Centre or the Stanton Library during opening hours.

IMPORTANT NOTE (20 MAY 2021): The notification letter (see Document Library) incorrectly identified that the right hand turn from High Street (west boundary) into Clark Road would be restricted. This turn would not be impacted by the proposed changes. The turn that would instead be restricted is the left turn form Clark Road (south bound) into High Street. This is proposed to reduce the delay on vehicles travelling towards Kirribilli, which will in turn reduce congestion at the intersection, and allow the clearway restrictions north of the intersection to revert to full time parking. This is correctly labeled on the concept plans (see Document Library).

If the project is supported by the community, Council will look to commence staged construction of the project early in 2022. The construction of this project would require funding support from the NSW Government.


An online information session was held on Tuesday 25 May 2021 providing an overview of this proposal. Click here to view the recording.(External link) We have progressively added most of the questions asked before, during and after the session to the FAQs.


An online question and answer session was held on Wednesday 9 June 2021, providing an additional opportunity to ask addition questions and seek clarification regarding the draft concept plans.(External link)

For further information contact Lindsay Menday, Sustainable Transport Project Coordinator on 9936 8251 or email


At its meeting on 28 June 2021, Council considered the post-exhibition report (available in the Document Library) and resolved:

1. THAT Council urgently write to TfNSW thanking them for their commitment for funding to the North Sydney Cycling Strategy and asking them to provide the funds so that Council can securely hold those funds in a restricted account until such time that the preferred option has been determined following completion of the community consultation.

2. THAT Council halt and review the Kirribilli to Cremorne Walking, Cycling and Streetscape Upgrades until such time as rigorous and comprehensive community consultation and engagement has taken place.

3. THAT Council re-exhibit the Kirribilli to Cremorne Walking, Cycling and Streetscape Upgrades project:

  1. in a form consistent with the requirements of Council’s Community Participation Plan;
  2. that the notification areas be extended to include affected properties on streets surrounding the proposed route, schools and precinct committees within the proposed route catchment; and
  3. that accurate documents and plans informed by traffic engineering advice together with options for alternative routes are exhibited.

4. THAT following re-exhibition, the matter be reported to Council for further consideration.

Feedback closed 14 June 2021


In May/June 2021, Council is sought community feedback on proposed walking, cycling and streetscape improvements along Broughton Street, Clark Road, Kurraba Road, Wycombe Road and Harriette Street. The project is part of Council’s response to community demand for improved walking and cycling connections.

The key aim of the project is to improve the walking network, cycling network, and public domain, and ensure that each complements and enhances the function of the other. A parallel aim is that walking and cycling improvements are delivered with minimal or positive impact to other transport modes and parking.

The net impact on parking spaces across the project area is two (2) less spaces, although this could potentially improve to a net gain in spaces subject to the final layout installed on Wycombe Road. Thirty-one (31) spaces on Clark Road would be gained in the am peak as the existing clearway would not be required under the proposed plan.

The project forms part of Route 3 from the North Sydney Integrated Cycling Strategy and is a key connection for local and regional cycling trips that is already one of North Sydney’s busiest despite challenging conditions. This project proposes new infrastructure to separate riders from motor vehicles where the speed difference between the two is significant (particularly up hills), to make travel easier for both riders and motorists, improve safety, and enable a wider range of people to choose cycling as a transport option. In areas where cycle speeds more closely match vehicle speeds, riders will share the road with motor vehicles.

A concept plan and fact sheet outlining key features of each section of the project is available in the Document Library. These sections would form the basis of separate construction stages should the project proceed (these are not listed in chronological order). Hard copies can be viewed at Council's Customer Service Centre or the Stanton Library during opening hours.

IMPORTANT NOTE (20 MAY 2021): The notification letter (see Document Library) incorrectly identified that the right hand turn from High Street (west boundary) into Clark Road would be restricted. This turn would not be impacted by the proposed changes. The turn that would instead be restricted is the left turn form Clark Road (south bound) into High Street. This is proposed to reduce the delay on vehicles travelling towards Kirribilli, which will in turn reduce congestion at the intersection, and allow the clearway restrictions north of the intersection to revert to full time parking. This is correctly labeled on the concept plans (see Document Library).

If the project is supported by the community, Council will look to commence staged construction of the project early in 2022. The construction of this project would require funding support from the NSW Government.


An online information session was held on Tuesday 25 May 2021 providing an overview of this proposal. Click here to view the recording.(External link) We have progressively added most of the questions asked before, during and after the session to the FAQs.


An online question and answer session was held on Wednesday 9 June 2021, providing an additional opportunity to ask addition questions and seek clarification regarding the draft concept plans.(External link)

For further information contact Lindsay Menday, Sustainable Transport Project Coordinator on 9936 8251 or email