Draft 2019/20 Fees and Charges Schedule
Consultation has concluded

Feedback closed 5pm, 17 June 2019. All submissions received by the deadline have been collated, analysed and reported to Council - refer to report CoS02, 24 June 2019.
Feedback is sought on proposed Fees and Charges Schedule, applicable in the 2019/20 financial year, inclusive of proposed increases in existing fees as well as proposed new fees. All existing and proposed fees and charges have been assessed according to the nature of the services being provided.
The Draft 2019/20 Fees and Charges Schedule was formulated with respect to a general increase of 2.5% over the previous year’s adopted schedule, and comparable market rates.
Public notice for at least 28 days, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, is given of the changed and/or new fees and charges proposed. The draft Fees and Charges Schedule can be found in the document library.
The following table summarises the key increases to existing fees (changed fees):
Fee Name | Comments/Fee Area | 2018/19 Fee (incl. GST) | 2019/20 Fee (incl. GST) | Fee Type |
Current DCP Instrument | Planning Instruments, documents, maps and reports | $129 | $140 | User Fee |
Current LEP Instrument | Planning Instruments, documents, maps and reports | $85 | $90 | User Fee |
Single Domestic Vehicle Crossing - fee per additional dwelling served | Vehicle Crossings | $155 | $160 | User Fee |
Commercial/Industrial/Retail Vehicle Crossing - per car on site | Vehicle Crossings | $90 | $95 | User Fee |
Application Fee - Double Domestic Vehicle Crossing | Vehicle Crossings | $680 | $700 | User Fee |
Double Domestic Vehicle Crossing - per car on site | Vehicle Crossings | $90 | $95 | User Fee |
Hoarding Weekly Rental - per m² per week | Hoarding Permit | $18 | $19 | User Fee |
DA Advertising - up to $5,000 | Advertising Fees | $230 | $250 | Statutory |
DA Advertising - over $100,000 | Advertising Fees | $550 | $580 | Statutory |
DA Advertising - Integrated Development | Advertising Fees | $500 | $550 | Statutory |
Strata Subdivision - for each additional lot created | Review of Modification Determination (Section8.9) Land and Stratum Subdivisions | $53 | $65 | Statutory |
Outstanding Notice & Orders Certificate | Section 735A & 121ZP Certificate Fee | $115 | $120 | User Fee |
Swimming Pool - Application for exemption | Swimming Pools | $70 | $250 | Statutory |
Food Shop Inspection - Category 2 | Food Act 2003 - Food shops and Food Outlets | $470 | $485 | User Fee |
Food Shop Inspection - Category 4 | Food Act 2003 - Food shops and Food Outlets | $290 | $300 | User Fee |
The following table summarises new fees proposed:
Fee Name | Comment, Relevant Act or Fee Area | Fee Amount | Fee Type |
Planning Proposal - Complex | Section 3.33(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. Comprises a new category of planning proposal. Introduced to better align with the costs associated with assessing complex planning proposals (e.g. incorporation of Local Planning Panel processes). | $100,000 | User Fee |
Planning Proposal - Major | Section 3.33(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. Combining the two former “Major” categories. Fee increased to better align with the costs associated with assessing major planning proposals (e.g. incorporation of LocalPlanning Panel processes). | $65,000 | User Fee |
Planning Proposal - Minor | Section 3.33(3) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. Fee of former category increased to better align with the costs associated with assessing minor planning proposals (e.g. incorporation of Local Planning Panel processes). | $30,000 | User Fee |
Cooling Towers - Administration fee charged annual | Public Health Act - Regulated Systems (Cooling Towers, Warm Water Systems, etc) | $120 | Regulatory |
Cooling Tower - Re-inspection Fee - (Less than 10 mins + compliant) | Public Health Act - Regulated Systems (Cooling Towers, Warm Water Systems, etc) | $80 | Regulatory |
Cooling Tower - Re-inspection fee (greater than 10 mins - 1st Tower) | Public Health Act - Regulated Systems (Cooling Towers, Warm Water Systems, etc) | $150 | Regulatory |
Cooling Tower - Re-inspection Fee (greater than 10 mins - additional towers) | Public Health Act - Regulated Systems (Cooling Towers, Warm Water Systems, etc) | $50 per tower | Regulatory |
Food shop Re-Inspection (less than 10 minutes, compliant inspection) | Food Act 2003 - Food shops and Food Outlets | $80 | User Fee |
DA Advertising Fee - Value of works over $3,000,000 | Advertising Fees, new tier | $1105 | Statutory |
Application Fee - Temporary Single Crossing | Vehicle Crossings Formalising existing fee | $370 | User Fee |
Application Fee - Temporary Double Crossing | Vehicle Crossings Formalising existing fee | $700 | User Fee |
First Permit Motorbike/Scooter - 12 Months | Resident Parking | $45 | User Fee |
First Permit Motorbike/Scooter - 9 Months | Resident Parking | $35 | User Fee |
First Permit Motorbike/Scooter - 6 Months | Resident Parking | $25 | User Fee |
First Permit Motorbike/Scooter - 3 Months | Resident Parking | $10 | User Fee |
Second Permit Motorbike/Scooter- 12 Months | Resident Parking | $100 | User Fee |
Second Permit Motorbike/Scooter - 9 Months | Resident Parking | $80 | User Fee |
Second Permit Motorbike/Scooter - 6 Months | Resident Parking | $50 | User Fee |
Second Permit Motorbike/Scooter - 3 Months | Resident Parking | $25 | User Fee |
Parking Sensor Removal, Storage & Reinstallation - Urgency Fee | Parking Meter & Sensor Adjustments | $550 | User Fee |
Parking Sensor Removal, Storage & Reinstallation (7 business days notice or greater | Parking Meter & Sensor Adjustments | $350 | User Fee |
Carnival Hire - Student admission fee | Pool Hire | $2.20 | User Fee |
The following table summarises changes to Section 8.2 statutory fees:
Fee Name | Comment, Relevant Act or Fee Area | Base fee | Additional fee | Fee Type |
Review of Determination - Section 8.2 (erection of a dwelling-house with an estimated construction cost of $100,000.00 or less) | Review of Determination | $190 | $0.00 | Statutory |
Review of Determination - Section 8.2 (any other development application) Estimated Cost - Up to $5,000.00 | Review of Determination | $55 | $0.00 | Statutory |
Review of Determination - Section 8.2 (any other development application) Estimated Cost - $5,001 - $250,000 | Review of Determination | $85 | Plus an additional $1.50 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) of estimated cost | Statutory |
Review of Determination - Section 8.2 (any other development application) Estimated Cost - $250,001 - $500,000 | Review of Determination | $500 | Plus an additional $0.85 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $250,000 | Statutory |
Review of Determination - Section 8.2 (any other development application) Estimated Cost - $500,001 - $1,000,000 | Review of Determination | $712 | Plus an additional $0.50 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $500,000 | Statutory |
Review of Determination - Section 8.2 (any other development application) Estimated Cost - $1,000,001 - $10,000,000 | Review of Determination | $987 | Plus an additional $0.40 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $1,000,000 | Statutory |
Review of Determination - Section 8.2 (any other development application) Estimated Cost- greater than $10,000,000 | Review of Determination | $4,737 | Plus an additional $0.27 for each $1,000 (or part of $1,000) by which the estimated cost exceeds $10,000,000 | Statutory |
The following table summarises discontinued fees:
Fee Name | Reason |
Trade Waste Commercial Pickup Collections | Due to increases in contractor and disposal expenses the service is uneconomical to continue without significantly increasing the current fee, which would potentially result in customers cancelling the service. |
Ridge Street Carpark - Tennis Centre Discounts | The introduction of the new parking software has resulted in the cancellation of this fee. |
Referral to North Sydney Local Planning Panel for Planning Proposals | Now incorporated within the fee structure for application |
Referral to North Sydney Local Planning Panel Development Applications | Direction received that Council cannot charge applicants for Development Application referrals to the panel |
Planning Proposal Major - Consistent with Endorsed Planning Study | To enable a new planning proposal categorisation to be established and to better reflect the costs associated with progressing the planning proposal through the LEP making process. Includes the removal of a 2 stage fee process and incorporation of separate referral fee to Council’s Local Planning Panel. |
Planning Proposal Major - Unsolicited | To enable a new planning proposal categorisation to be established and to better reflect the costs associated with progressing the planning proposal through the LEP making process. Includes the removal of a 2 stage fee process and incorporation of separate referral fee to Council’s Local Planning Panel. |
Planning Proposal Minor - Unsolicited | To enable a new planning proposal categorisation to be established and to better reflect the costs associated with progressing the planning proposal through the LEP making process. Includes the removal of a 2 stage fee process and incorporation of separate referral fee to Council’s Local Planning Panel. |
Prior to making a submission please ensure you have reviewed the draft Fees and Charges Schedule which can be found in the document library.
Feedback closes 17 June 2019
Use the online submission form (below) or alternatively, send submissions to:
Email - yoursay@northsydney.nsw.gov.au
Mail - General Manager
North Sydney Council
PO Box 12
For further information contact Council’s Manager Financial Services, Garry Ross on 9936 8100.
The Draft 2019/20 Operational Plan & Budget is concurrently on exhibition. All submissions received will be collated, analysed and reported to the Council meeting scheduled for 24 June 2019.