Draft Fees and Charges Schedule 2024/2025
Consultation has concluded
Feedback closes 11.59pm, 19 May 2024
On 25 March 2024, Council endorsed the Draft Fees & Charges Schedule 2024/25 for 42 days public exhibition, for the period 6 April to 19 May 2024.
Feedback is sought on the proposed Fees & Charges Schedule, applicable in the 2024/25 financial year, inclusive of proposed increases in existing fees as well as proposed new fees. All existing and proposed fees and charges have been assessed according to the nature of the services being provided.
The Draft Fees & Charges Schedule 2024/25 was formulated with respect to a general increase of 5.6% over the previous year’s adopted schedule, which was based on the change in All Groups CPI Sydney index, from September 2022 to September 2023, and comparable market rates.
All existing and proposed fees and charges have been assessed according to the nature of the services being provided. The following factors have been considered in the analysis of the proposed fees and charges:
- cost recovery, including indirect costs recovery (full or partial)
- market pricing competitiveness (pricing of similar service providers)
- legislative constraints (non-discretionary fees)
- subsidies (capacity to pay)
Fees set by statute, such as Schedule 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation, will be updated as they are published and reported to Council when the final Schedule of Fees is submitted for adoption.
New Fees
The following table details the proposed new fees:
Category | Fee or Charge | Rationale for introduction | Customer/ Community Impact |
Book Fair | Magazines | Introduces a specific price for book fair magazine sales. This will not materially impact the budget as book fair fees are a minor income source (less than $2,000). | The introduction of this fee is expected to have a positive impact on book fair customers as it will reduce the cost of multiple magazine purchases. |
Public Events | Assessment of Traffic Management Plans | To recover the cost of assessing traffic management plans for low impact, medium impact events, and full road closures. This will not materially impact the budget as Events fees are a relatively small income source (less than $60,000). | This is a new fee for the assessment of traffic management plans for events requiring road closures. Previously these events were charged the general referral fee for the North Sydney Traffic Committee, which this new fee replaces. The increased cost to these events is less than $200/event. |
Public Events | Staff Cost Recovery | To recover staff costs for 3rd party event site visits. This will not materially impact the budget as Events fees are a relatively small income source (less than $60,000). | The introduction of this fee will ensure charges for 3rd party events will more closely align with the actual cost to Council. The total cost to individual event organisers may increase moderately as a result. Council will communicate these changes to event organisers and work with them to plan for any impact. |
Public Events | Parking Meter Reconfiguration | To recover the cost of reconfiguring parking meters for temporary clearways. This will not materially impact the budget as Events fees are a relatively small income source (less than $60,000). | The introduction of this fee will ensure charges for 3rd party events will more closely align with the actual cost to Council. The total cost to individual event organisers may increase moderately as a result. Council will communicate these changes to event organisers and work with them to plan for any impact. |
Public Events | Permit Parking | Introduces permit fees for parking in restricted (metered parking) and unrestricted (timed parking) areas. Permit fee is in addition to loss of parking meter income fee. This will not materially impact the budget as Events fees are a relatively small income source (less than $60,000). | The introduction of this fee is not expected to have a material impact to customers as it replaces the existing general parking permit fee intended for public filming with a specific fee for parking permits related to a public event. |
Food Stalls | Food Stalls | Introduces a tiered fee structure for food stalls for all events. This will not materially impact the budget as Events fees are a relatively small income source (less than $60,000). | The introduction of this fee is not expected to have a material impact on customers. The cost will be reflective of the scale of event and their likely revenue. |
Non-Food Stalls | Food Stalls | Introduces a tiered fee structure for non- food stalls for events. This will not materially impact the budget as Events fees are a relatively small income source (less than $60,000). | The introduction of this fee is not expected to have a material impact on customers. The cost will be reflective of scale of event and their likely revenue. |
Events, Workshops and Classes | Event Tickets | Introduces a tiered fee structure for events, workshops, and classes. Ticketing events at a nominal cost is expected to improve attendance/reduc e the number of ‘no shows’. This will not materially impact the budget as Events fees are a relatively small income source (less than $60,000). | The introduction of this fee is not expected to have a material impact on customers as the cost to individual customers is low and will be consistent with market value. The cost will be reflective of the type of event, and many will remain free. |
Work Zone Permit | North Sydney Council Construction Notice Board | Introduces a fee to cover the cost of installing notice boards to display relevant Council permits at work zones. As the income is highly dependent on levels of development activity the budget impact of this measure is difficult to quantify currently. | The introduction of this fee is not expected to have a material impact on customers as the cost to individual customers or builders is minimal, given the low and often one- time cost associated with each work zone application. |
Council Buildings | Community Facilities – Bradfield Park Community Centre Hall Hire | Introduces a set hire fee for the large hall at Bradfield Park Community Centre. Currently this building is hired/leased on an ad-hoc basis through Council’s managing agent Colliers International. Based on current patronage this change is not expected to materially impact the budget. | The introduction of this fee is not expected to have a material impact on customers as it replaces the existing fee when hired through Council’s managing agent. |
Waverton Coal Loader | Full day Coal Loader Excursion | To recover the cost of facilitating excursions for primary and secondary schools from outside of the North Sydney LGA. As this is a rare activity budget impact is expected to be minimal. | The introduction of this fee is not expected to have a material impact on visiting schools as the cost is in line with industry standard and will be infrequent. |
North Sydney Oval – Sporting Events | Daily Hire Fee (Hirers Seniors and Hirer Juniors) | Replaces the current hourly hire fee training day/night and daily hire fee match play for senior hirers and the daily hire fee match play for juniors with single daily hire fees for seniors and juniors. This provides a simplified, straightforward, and easily understood fee structure for hirers. As this replaces existing fees budget impact on budget is expected to be minimal. | The introduction of this fee will ensure fees paid by hirers will more closely align with the actual cost of providing these services. The total cost to individual hirers may increase as a result but not significantly. Council will communicate these changes to hirers and work with them to plan for any impact. |
North Sydney Oval – Sporting Events | Lighting Fees | Senior hirers only, additional fee for provision of lighting. Based on current patronage this change is not expected to materially impact the budget. | The introduction of this fee will ensure fees paid by hirers will more closely align with the actual cost of providing these services. The total cost to individual hirers may increase as a result but not significantly. Council will communicate these changes to hirers and work with them to plan for any impact. |
North Sydney Oval – Sporting Events | Bump In Fees | Senior hirers only, additional fee for bump in/set up. Based on current patronage this change is not expected to materially impact the budget. | The introduction of this fee will ensure fees paid by hirers will more closely align with the actual cost of providing these services. The total cost to individual hirers may increase as a result but not significantly. Council will communicate these changes to hirers and work with them to plan for any impact. |
Hair / Beauty / Skin Penetration Premises – Public Health Act 2010 | Inspection & Assessment Fee - low risk | Introduces a separate, lower, fee for low-risk premises. This will not materially impact the budget as this fee is only applied in small number of instances. | The introduction of this fee will ensure inspection fees will more closely align with the time spend on site in providing these services. It is not expected to have a material impact on customers. |
Public Health Act – Regulated Systems (Cooling Towers, Warm Water Systems, etc) | Environmental Audit | Introduces a fee for undertaking an environmental audit in line with most other Councils. This will not materially impact the budget as this fee is only applied in limited number of instances. | The introduction of this fee is expected to have minimal impact on customers as the cost is in line with industry standard and its infrequent application. |
Building Information Certificate | Unauthorised works notification fee | Introduces a fee for unauthorised works notification that is the same as notification for CDCs in line with most other Councils. This will not materially impact the budget as this fee is only applied in a limited number of instances. | The introduction of this fee is considered reasonable given that it will be less costly than development application process fees. |
Fees with Material Increases
The following table lists the fees that have materially increased:
Category | Fee or Charge | Summary of Change & Rationale |
Aggregation of Ratable Properties | Application Fee approximate change + 13% | To cover administration costs. These fees have not been revised in two years and this increase represents a catch up. This will not materially impact the budget as they are a minor income source (less than $1,000 per annum). |
Debt Recovery | Subpoena Processing charge and Conduct Money approximate change 13% | To cover administration costs. These fees have not been revised in two years and this increase represents a catch up. This will not materially impact the budget as they are a minor income source (less than $1,000 per annum). |
Transactional Banking | Credit Card Service Fee approximate change 100% | A comprehensive review of card acceptance fees showed that income from the existing credit card service fee was significantly below actual costs incurred. This measure is expected to yield an additional $105,000 income which will ensure fees recovered match the actual cost to Council. |
Car Parking Stations | Ridge Street Car Park - Resident Discount Parking approximate change +59% | To cover administration costs. This will not materially impact the budget as they are a minor income source (less than $5,000 per annum). |
Car Parking Stations | Hume Street Car Park - Permanent Resident Parking - per calendar month approximate change +8% | Increased demand at this site due to the Metro development. This measure combined with increased demand is expected to realise an additional $500,000 |
Car Parking Stations | Parraween Street Car Park - Permanent Resident Parking - per calendar month approximate change +31% | To bring into line with resident parking charges. This will not materially impact the budget as the service is provided to a limited number of recipients. |
Car Parking Stations | Parraween Street Car Park – Replacement Permit approximate change +92% | To bring into line with resident parking charges. This will not materially impact the budget as the service is provided to a limited number of recipients. |
Sign Posting and Line Marking | Commercial and Mixed-Use Areas - Signposting – parallel parking and Signposting – angle parking approximate changes +9% & +8% | To maintain alignment with other fees within this category. As the income is highly dependent on levels of development activity the budget impact of this measure is difficult to quantify. |
Sign Posting and Line Marking | Other Areas – Signposting – parallel parking and Signposting – angle parking approximate changes +11% & +8% | To maintain alignment with other fees within this category. As the income is highly dependent on levels of development activity the budget impact of this measure is difficult to quantify. |
North Sydney Oval Function Centre | Hourly Room Hire Fee – Mon to Sun, Daily Room Hire Fee Mon to Thurs and Daily Room Hire Fee Fri to Sun approximate changes +68%, +44% & +39% | Function Centre room hire fees have been increased to incorporate the separate Daily Equipment Hire Fee which will be discontinued from 2024/25. This change provides a simpler fee structure for hirers. This is not expected to materially affect the budget. |
Hoarding Permit | Weekly Hoarding Permit Fee – Minimum charge approximate change +11% | To cover administration costs. As the income is highly dependent on levels of development activity the budget impact of this measure is difficult to quantify. |
Protection of Environment Notice (Clean-Up, Prevention and Noise Control) | Environmental Notice Fee approximate change +30% | Increased to statutory amount for 2024/25 per the regulation. This will not materially impact the budget as they are a minor income source (less than $5,000 per annum). |
Public Health Act – Regulated Systems (Cooling Towers, Warm Water Systems, etc) | Regulated Systems - Administration Fee – Annual approximate change +12% | To cover administration costs. This will not materially impact the budget as the service is provided to a limited number of recipients. |
Discontinued Fees
The following table lists the proposed fees to be discontinued:
Category | Fee or Charge | Rationale for discontinuing |
Sale of Library Publications | Aboriginal North Sydney Ruby Graham: A Bush Garden (DVD) The Art of Fun (DVD) Shifting old North Sydney (DVD) Bob Gordon (DVD) Down the Bay (CD- ROM) Return to Community: Ball's Head DVD North Sydney Olympic Pool | These titles are now either out of stock or available for download free of charge. Budget impact is minimal. |
Twilight Food Fair | Daily Stall Fee | Superseded by new tiered fee structure for food stalls/non- food stalls applicable to all events. |
Recycling | 120 Litre Green Waste Bin purchase | This item is not available/offered through Council’s current waste collection contractor. |
North Sydney Oval – Sporting Events | Hourly/Daily Hire Fees for training, match play and television broadcasting | Replaced with single daily hire fees for seniors and juniors to provide a simplified, straightforward, and easily understood fee structure for hirers. |
North Sydney Oval Function Centre | Daily Equipment Hire Fee – Audio Visual & Comms | Incorporated into Room Hire fees to provide a simplified fee structure for hirers. |
Certification Register | Lodgement Fee for certificates issued by private certifiers | Individual entries for specific certificates have been replaced with a single entry as lodgement fees are now set in accordance with the EP&A regulation 2021 and are charged through the NSW Planning Portal. The updated descriptive entry will be clearer for applicants. |
Fire Safety | Compliance Cost Notice Fee | This fee can no longer be charged due to changes in the EP&A Regulations. |
Submissions close 11.59pm, 19 May 2024
Prior to making a submission please ensure you have reviewed the Draft Fees & Charges Schedule 2024/25 - found in the document library.
Use the online submission form (below) or alternatively, send submissions to:
Email - yoursay@northsydney.nsw.gov.au
North Sydney Council
PO Box 12
Hard copies are available for viewing at Council’s Customer Service Centre and Stanton Library during opening hours.
For further information contact Council’s Manager Financial Services, Christian Menday on 9936 8100.