Stage 1 (Scoping of values and issues) - completed in November 2017
This stage sought feedback on what is valued most about the Park, what the key issues are and how the park can be improved. Engagement activities included a community workshop (refer to Anderson Park - Scoping Workshop Presentation 9 Nov 2017 in Background document library), an online survey, on-site intercept surveys and an online discussion forum.
Share Stage 1 (Scoping of values and issues) - completed in November 2017 on Facebook
Share Stage 1 (Scoping of values and issues) - completed in November 2017 on Twitter
Share Stage 1 (Scoping of values and issues) - completed in November 2017 on Linkedin
Email Stage 1 (Scoping of values and issues) - completed in November 2017 link
Consultation has concluded