Draft Amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan 2013 - North Sydney CBD commercial tower setbacks and separation (exhibition extended)
Consultation has concluded

At its meeting on 10 October 2022, Council adopted an amendment to North Sydney Development Control Plan (NSDCP) 2013. In particular; Section 2 - Commercial and Mixed Use Development within Part B and, Section 2 - North Sydney Planning Area within Part C - Area Character Statements to NSDCP 2013 was amended to provide better design guidance for commercial towers in the North Sydney CBD.
This amendment to NSDCP 2013 came into effect on 20 October 2022 following its notification on Council’s website. A copy of the amendment is available on Council’s website.
At its meeting on 25 October 2021, Council considered a report on the DCP amendment and its public exhibition and resolved to defer the amendment to allow for:
- A further detailed review on the impact of the proposal on Council’s Ward Street Masterplan and future development within the broader CBD; and
- An internal briefing to Council on the submissions received during public exhibition and the outcome of the above review.
The matter will be reported back to Council.
Submissions closed 5pm Monday 30 August 2021 (extended)
At its meeting on 28 June 2021, Council considered a review of its built form controls for commercial development n the North Sydney CBD in light of the need to manage issues arising from recent increases to building height controls within the CBD. These issues include a lack of guidance on building setbacks and separation that could result in continuous, uninterrupted walls of tall commercial towers that reduce daylight and sky views from the street and within the towers.
The review recommends that the following amendments be made to North Sydney Development Control Plan (NSDCP) 2013 to address these issues:
- 6m minimum above podium whole of tower side setbacks to the boundary for sites over 1,000m2
- Tower facades above podium should not exceed 55m in length
- No portion of a commercial tower should be located within 3m of the podium façade. Above podium weighted setback controls will continue to apply.
- Commercial towers on the same site require a minimum building separation of 12m
- Commercial towers on lots with adjoining rear boundaries (i.e., without street frontage) require a minimum 6m above podium rear setback
- Visually interesting treatment to party walls.
These controls bring NSDCP 2013 more in line with City of Sydney and City of Parramatta built form controls and will ensure appropriate massing and separation of future commercial towers. This will protect pedestrian and building occupant amenity and promote commercially viable towers as North Sydney CBD continues to grow.
Council subsequently resolved to endorse a draft amendment to the NSDCP 2013 for commercial tower controls in North Sydney CBD and place that draft amendment on public exhibition.
The draft amendment was on public exhibition from Monday 19 July to Monday 30 August 2021 (extended). Electronic copies of the draft amendment to NSDCP 2013 and associated background report are available in the Document Library.
For further information contact Caitlin Summers, Strategic Planner on (02) 9936 8100.
Note: Submissions are considered open access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. In the interests of public transparency, your submission in its entirety may be made available via Council’s website. Submitters are encouraged to read Council’s Information Sheet: Making a Submission to Council prior to making a submission. All feedback received will be considered, however it is not intended to reply to individual respondents.