Project Detail - Stage 3
Once the public exhibition period closed, all submissions were reviewed, and a report to Council was prepared, detailing the content of all submissions. The report, Small Water Craft Storage Strategy Discussion Paper - Post Exhibition (1MB) was considered at the Council meeting held on Monday, 20 November 2017. The Report described measures taken to ensure that user groups and the general public were aware that the Discussion Paper was available for viewing and comment. It also summarised community and stakeholder feedback received according to 6 Key Themes:
- Theme 1: Existing Informal Storage Sites
- Theme 2: Existing Formal Storage Facilities
- Theme 3: A One-Size-Fits-All Approach
- Theme 4: Registration Process for Water Craft Stored on Public Foreshore Land
- Theme 5: Additional Sites for Formal Storage Facilities
- Theme 6: Other Water-Based Recreation Opportunities & Issues
The report recommended:
- THAT the information contained in this report be posted on the ‘Small Water Craft Storage’ page on Council’s website.
- THAT a draft Small Water Craft Storage Strategy be prepared for public exhibition.
Council unanimously resolved the following:
- THAT Council defer this item to a Councillor Briefing.
- THAT Council prepare a report for the Briefing which assesses the impact of the alienation of public open space for private use in the context of storing private water craft on public land.
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