Project Detail - Stage 2
At its meeting of 22 May 2017, Council endorsed public exhibition of the Small Water Craft Storage Strategy Discussion Paper. The public exhibition period ran for a period of 10 weeks.
Public exhibition of the Discussion Paper provided the many interested community members and other stakeholders with an opportunity to contribute ideas, and offer thoughts and suggestions about the future of small water craft storage in North Sydney.
Council recognises that the various groups and individuals involved in water-based recreation and use of public foreshore parks have different needs. People who commented on the SWCSS Discussion Paper included those who:
- Store dinghies in one of Council’s formal storage facilities to access (RMS) swing moorings in the bays.
- Store dinghies informally on the foreshore to access (RMS) swing moorings in the bays.
- Store kayaks, SUP’s or other small water craft in one of Council’s formal storage facilities (only some of these are available to ‘non-dinghies’).
- Store kayaks, SUP’s or other small water craft informally on the foreshore.
- Store their water craft at home and transport it to and from the foreshore.
- Would like formal storage for their vessel, but are currently unable to get it due to lack of availability or cost.
- Use the foreshore for other forms of recreation.
By the time the public exhibition period concluded on 28 August 2017, a total of 40 submissions had been received.
Consultation has concluded