How long is the full extent of the project?

    The project is on West Street, from Ridge St to Amherst St, covering 1.1 kilometres

    What is the impact on trees?

    There will be a loss of 1 tree and the addition of 30 trees, totaling a net gain of 29 trees.

    Why are you narrowing the road?​

    West Street is a local road and vehicle speeds should reflect a lower speed environment. Traffic calming, such as road narrowing, raised crossings and intersection treatments lower speeds and create a safer environment for young people and the general community.

    What are the pedestrian improvements?

    Improvements for pedestrians include continuous footpath treatments at most intersections, 3 additional pedestrian crossings, kerb build outs and upgraded pedestrian refuges.

    Why do you have a 'bus platform' on the corner of West Street and Huntington Street?

    To ensure a comfortable and safe journey for bus passengers, an in-lane bus stop has been proposed to accommodate passengers waiting for, and dismounting from buses. There is a maximum of four buses per hour in peak periods, which will have minimal impact on vehicle traffic.